Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
WhiteWater Assault Vehicle

We got a sweet little white van and have been on a couple of trips around Colorado. We headed over to the Arkansas and tested out the new playspot in Buena Vista a couple weeks ago. Next to Steamboat for some more kayaking and our camping turned out to be an advenuture when we ran in to some folks from Tennessee while poaching an amazing campsite. This past weekend we were back at the Arkansas running Royal Gorge, a super fun trip with huge waves and a cool canyon. We also ripped up the Salida playpark and spent some time at the upper Buena Vista park. The van is a huge step-up for our camping trips- she gets 20 miles to the gallon and sleeps like a Winnebago. With the van and our new kayaks is going to be an awesome summer!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Tennessee Trip

We headed to Tennessee for our "shoulder season" break. We got to spend a day on the lake and I managed to water ski and wakeboard.(Check out the video-Lake Ocoee) We picked up our new kayaks and boated the Ocoee and Chattooga. One of the days on the Ocoee the water was a little high and we spent the whole day surfing Hell Hole. Darin officially gave me credit for my 1rst blunt. We also got to hang put with a lot of friends and family. I ate enough of my granny's food to last me for a year. It wasn't all fun and games though, we used the trip to move the last of my things from TN to CO. This is the first time since high school that all of my stuff is under one roof. Yippee!